Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Peek at Our Centers

We had a great week!  One day in particular that was amazing was Wednesday.  Our school had group touring our school seeing how we use technology and innovation at school and in the classrooms.  My first grade classroom was on the tour this time!  I was so excited!  For years we have had cutting edge things going on in our school and many groups coming through checking it all out in the upper grades.  Many people simply write off the little guys.  I have always been a proponent for "these guys can do fantastic things too and really benefit from technology"!  I am happy people are starting to take notice.

(Last year I was lucky enough to get our counties Digital Media Teacher of the Year award and $2,000 tech dollars to spend in my classroom!  This was awesome because I got to pick exactly what I wanted and needed in my classroom to work with my class, grade level and teaching style.  In the past it has been "here is some technology, now see how you can use in your class.")

OK so back on topic... On this particular day I had my Super 6 Differentiated Centers "tech'ed out" a little more than normal.  (I normally have 2-3 of the centers with tech, but this day I had 5 with different tech tools to aid their learning and practice.)  Technology makes it so easy to differentiate for everyone.  The best part is, I think my kiddos are finally learning to self-select what they need to challenge themselves on their own.  (I know, I'm off on a tangent again.  Here is what I was my kiddos were doing that day!)

Write On!
At this center student's are publishing their writing about their holiday break.  First, students completed a graphic organizer listing 3 things they did over break, 2 presents they got and 1 person the enjoyed spending time with.  They are now preparing Keynote presentations to share with the class.

 Literacy Plugged In
This center involves technology everyday.  Today students are playing one of the Lakeshore Interactive Games on the smart board. I think this one was Math Plinko.
 Read to Yourself
Obviously the kids are reading in this center (usually they are in the class library).  Once they finish a book they can choose to take a Reading Counts test on a laptop.  This student is also filling out a book recommendation form to post on our door.
 Word Work
This center isn't "tech'ed out", but is a student favorite!  Students pick a piece of popcorn (words of the week focusing on the phonics skill mixed with sight words).  They then have to read the word to keep it.  They record the word on their word sort sheet.  This week we were sorting long vowel words.
 S.T.E.M. Center
This center was QR Task Cards today.  Students use the mini-iPads to scan one of the 12 QR codes.  A colorful question pops up (today was number detective word problem riddles) they then record their answer on the recording sheet.  When they are done they take their answer sheet to my desk and scan the "Check It Code."  They use a red pen to mark the ones they have wrong and go back to try the problems again.  

Book Club
Here the students are working together with the Puppet Pals.  We are working on planning out the story elements.  Students work together to plan their setting, characters, problem and solution. Their favorite part is getting to screen their movies for their class.  

I hope you enjoyed peeking in my classroom and at our centers.  I love making their learning fun.  I think this way of learning is so much more fun than worksheets!

Friday, May 3, 2013

We have cracks and peeps!

When I came in this morning to turn the eggs for the last time on day 25 we noticed little cracks in about 5 eggs and heard peeps!  We are so excited to see what happens.  It will still take a while, but we should have new little babies this weekend.  (I really wanted them to hatch during the school week, but apparently they did not get the memo!)  Here is the recording from our streaming egg cam!  I will post updates to this blog over the weekend.

Video streaming by Ustream

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Great Lesson Today!

Today I had a fabulous lesson with my class on impulse control! I wish I could say I thought of it, but Pinterest did (oh I love that site!!). I had a great "I Pick" lesson on choosing books, but after the day we were having, we needed to learn about self control!

I started out with me blowing bubbles in class. All of the kids stood up and went crazy popping the bubbles. The we stopped and talked about how much fun it was and everyone wanted to do it. Then I related it to how everyone wants to talk out, get up, make random noises.... and we need to control those things so we can all learn. I then challenged them to stay seated, but they could still pop the bubbles. It was like a game, 4 or 5 kids "got out" because they couldn't stay on their bottoms. We talked about it and played the game once again, this time everyone managed to do it! Then we upped the challenge and had the kids just watch the bubbles and see if one landed on their hand. Once again every one passed with flying colors. For our last demonstration, I challenged the kids to sit and focus on "Pete the Cat" while the bubbles just fell to the ground around them. Once again we all managed to control our impulses! We discussed how the bubbles were a distraction, but we could still focus. This was an amazing lesson I am sure I will refer back to over and over this year.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Published out First eBook!

We are all published authors and illustrators! After reading "Mortimer's Book of What Ifs" and meeting the author Mandi Tillotson Williams, our class decided we could write a book too! We opened our imagination and became authors and illustrators! We invite you to download and enjoy our book. Let us know what you think!

(It is an ePub file and will need to be read on a device capable of reading an eBook. (iPad, iPod Touch, Nook, or other eReader. Your computer may not open it.) You can also download it or view it at

Friday, May 4, 2012

Author Visit Via Skype

We started the morning with an author's visit via Skype. Mandi Tillotson Williams, who has written and illustrated several fabulous children's stories, read a book to our class and answered questions from the students. She also described the process of writing and illustrating her books.
Her books are available on Amazon as a Paperback and/or ebook. They are written in rhyme and have wonderful lessons. My favorite is Henrietta Hexagon and the Triangles.

It is a touching story about Henrietta who feels like she doesn't belong because she is different. She later realizes being different makes her special. In addition to the many literature lessons taught, there are some great math tie-ins as well.

I plan to be busy posting and working this weekend , so look for more information soon! I have some great pictures to upload with all of our animal excitement !

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We Have Ducklings!

We had 5 ducklings hatch on April 24, 2012.  They are doing well today and so cute to watch!  Check them out on the live Duck Cam!

There is still one little guy hatching (hopefully he will pull through!)  I will post more pictures later today!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Check out our Egg Cam! Live!!!!

We are getting ready for our little ducklings to hatch. Hopefully Sunday/Monday. I have set up a steaming web cam so you can watch too. There is not much going on now, but hopefully this weekend we will see something. Keep checking in!